If this entertains you, fantastic, if not, well at least I got my feelings out, and maybe this will turn into something, who knows? I'm going to try to relay my life as accurately as possible, but anonymously. Anyone who knows me and see this will probably recognize me at the first instant, so I severely hope they do not, but I want to tell someone, even if I do not know them, otherwise I think I may explode.
Pardon some inaccuracies, a good amount of this is pure memory which could easily be skewed, at least until I reach current day. I will try to avoid unnecessary exaggeration and keep as true to the story as possible. I prefer to keep to a story's truth, not add to and enhance a story make a message for the reader. This does not mean, however, my emotions will be calm; I will right what I felt/feel, regardless of the strength.
Please enjoy the story, and if you do not, too bad.